Monday, July 19, 2010

Edmonton Art Walk 2010

After several years of thinking "hey, maybe I should display my work in ArtWalk", I finally did it.

Despite some unfortunate weather on Friday, the sun came out for the rest of the weekend, and the overall experience was very positive. I got to chat with some great people, and met artists and art enthusiasts alike. Thank you to everyone who came out to show their support, and please keep in touch! Hopefully I'll be back next year. :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


A few years back, a friend requested a painting of her favourite flower, the plumeria, native to Hawaii. Here are the results:

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Market Collective this weekend!

I will be taking part in an artist market in Calgary this weekend, December 5th and 6th in Kensington. The market runs from 10 -6 Saturday and Sunday and takes place in the old Ant Hill building on 10th street. You'll recognize it by the giant turquoise ants painted on the side. Please brave the snow and support local artists! More information can be found here:

My latest artwork will be appearing shortly, but for now, please check out my webpage: